
Open Source is an integral part of CERN, and has been for many years. CERN runs on Open Source just like it's running on electricity, a collaborative spirit, and openness.

The Open Source Program Office (OSPO) brings CERN's Open Source activities onto the centre stage!

So what does "Open Source" encompass for CERN?

CERN's OSPO deals with both open-source hardware and software:
while most OSPOs are focusing on software, CERN's impact and expertise in the open-source hardware community warrants that we also support the Open Source part of CERN's hardware projects.

We tell the world about CERN's Open Source achievements:

What we have created, what we contributed to, for instance in the context of the Member States Open Source ecosystems. The OSPO curates, teaches, and publicly shares Open Source best practices, for CERN's community and interested parties.

Sometimes people wonder about Open Source at CERN:

  • How big is its impact at CERN, how much does CERN rely on it?
  • Can we, you and us, work together?
  • What's CERN's opinion on debates relating to Open Source?

Whatever question you might have, just contact CERN’s OSPO. We serve as a contact point for anything open-source related at CERN.